There's a variety of car crashes and car accidents that we see on a regular basis. A lot of people like to believe that their insurance company is going to help them. The truth of the matter is, even your own car insurance is out for their own profits, not out to look after you. You need someone in your corner. You need someone looking after your interests. There are a number of mistakes that people make after a car crash where they're injured. Some things I would suggest that people do is if you think you were injured, don't hope that the pain is going to go away; seek medical treatment. Another thing you want to do is make sure you're able to, document, photograph. If there's people at the scene, get witness names, speak to the law enforcement officer, speak to the emergency personnel, but it's best to not have any discussions with the at fault party or anybody else at the scene. Focus on getting the medical treatment you deserve and also it's very important to make sure you contact my firm as quick as you can. Insurance companies are notorious for getting recorded statements and for asking leading questions. What the insurance company is doing at the very outset of a crash is they're preparing their defense lawyers, and when that happens, who's in your corner? Who's taking up you're fight? You can look at it from a grand scheme whole, physically, psychologically, and emotionally. If something's been taken from you, we're going to include that in your claim, in addition to your loss wages and your medical expenses. Call The Law Offices of Joshua Branch, and make sure that your interests are being protected.